Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vogler Annotated Bib 6

Vogler, Christopher. The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. Third

Edition. Crossing the First Threshold. Tests, Allies and Enemies. Studio City,

CA. Michael Weise Productions. 2007.

Stages Five and Six of the Hero’s Journey are Crossing the First Threshold and Tests, Allies and Enemies. Crossing the First Threshold is an act where the hero commits to the adventure. The Hero approaches the first threshold, meets threshold guardians, crosses the threshold and then lands. The journey truly begins when the Hero crosses the first threshold. Tests, Allies and Enemies make up the next stage of the Hero’s Journey. In this stage, the Hero meets obstacles and comes away from tests with allies or enemies. Rivals can also be found in this stage. The Hero may compete with a rival. An essential part of this stage is that the Hero must learn the rules of the new world.

V. Crossing the First Threshold
A. Approaching the Threshold
1. Changes the course or intensity of the story
2. Sources
a. External
b. Internal
B. Threshold Guardians
1. Block the path the hero wants to take
2. Heroes need to figure out a way through or around the guardians
C. The Crossing
1. Physical Barriers
2. Single Moment
3. Extended Passage
4. Leap of Faith
D. Rough Landing
1. Crash, Literally or Figuratively

VI. Tests, Allies and Enemies
A. Contrast
B. Testing
C. Allies and Enemies
D. Allies
E. Sidekicks
F. Teams
G. Enemies
H. The Rival
I. New Rules
J. Watering Holes

1. Are there heroes that have no allies?
2. When do teams become an official group?
3. Do Heroes give up anything when they Cross the First Threshold?

1 comment:

V's Blog said...

I think that sometimes heroes will be forced to give something up when crossing the first threshold, but it is not mandatory. Maybe a hero has to leave an ally behind, maybe they have to bargain with an item, or share a valuable piece of information. But, other times the threshold just needs to be noted and the hero can pass through.