Friday, November 14, 2008

Project Three Plan and Reflection

For my interview, I would ideally like to interview two people and compare their experiences on a certain topic and their plan of action on that topic. However, I think that it might be too controversial and too personal to conduct an interview like that. I plan to volunteer for three hours at The Planned Parenthood here in Saint Petersburg. Perhaps I will be able to find someone who can comment on teenage pregnancy. Maybe someone who has worked at Planned Parenthood for a while can comment on his or her experiences with speaking to teenage girls who have become pregnant and what options they have chosen.
Class is now over.... to be continued.....
I have contacted Planned Parenthood for volunteering but I have to complete a background check and that takes about a week. And Planned Parenthood for St. Pete has informed me that they are not accepting any new volunteers at the moment. I contacted Whitney Wall and she offered to help me but my schedule conflicts with what I could do for her.
Unfortunately, I am not able to do volunteer work that directly relates to Project Two. I am volunteering for the American Red Cross. They provide educational services and although the services do not relate to sex education, the services do relate to human well-being. The connection will be established during my interview which I will conduct on December 1st in the afternoon.

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